Still Time to Apply for Green Grants in the Holme Valley

Are you a member of a voluntary or community group based in the Graveship of Holme? Do you have an idea for reducing carbon emissions? There is still time to apply for Green Grants of up to £3000 from the Bright Green Community Trust. Just visit and apply before 5th August 2023
The money for BGCT is generated by a wind turbine located at Longley Farm. In 2015, a partnership of Longley Farm, HoTT (Holmfirth Transition Town) and 180 (mostly local) investors set up the scheme which supplies green energy to the dairy and the national grid, saving about 287 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. A portion of the money generated goes to fund community projects, with the rest going to investors.
In previous years grants have been given to fund community gardens, solar panels, LED lights, tree-planting projects and cycling campaigns. All ideas will be considered, as long as they reduce carbon emissions in the Holme Valley!
For more information visit