Hama Beads for Heroes
Alex and Imogen Spray (the children of Sarah Spray who works at Tyers Hall Farm) have been busy making Hama bead signs to brighten the days of family, friends and key workers, and to raise funds to support the NHS.
They originally decided to start making Hama bead NHS signs and Medics to give out to care workers in the local community. This went down really well and everyone was saying how lovely they were and how they had brightened their day up.
Imogen then saw Captain Tom Moore on the news and decided she wanted to donate some money to him from her money box. Imogen's father, Steven Spray, suggested instead of doing that they should ask for donations for the signs they had been making.
"The response we got was simply amazing. I’m incredibly proud of Imogen, she’s given up her free time to try and boost peoples spirits and raise money to support a man trying to make a difference, and she eventually managed to raise £240 and donated that money to Captain Moore."
Hama Beads kindly sent them some beads to help them keep making their signs. So far they have made 70, 30 of which were donated and the rest they have used to raise funds for Captain Moore.
Imogen’s Rainbow group have written a piece on their achievements in the national Girl Guiding section and Alex and Imogen have both been on Radio Sheffield talking to Toby Foster about their achievement!
The Sheffield Star have also written a piece about them here: https://www.thestar.co.uk/health/sheffield-girl-raises-over-ps100-nhs-creating-colourful-beaded-figures-2548355
Speaking to the Star, Imogen said: “I really just wanted to make something nice for NHS staff. It makes me really happy to think that I can make people smile and help Captain Moore raise money for the NHS."
Imogen and Alex have also made some more signs for other important key workers and these are in pride of place at Tyers Hall Farm.
Thank you Imogen and Alex, you've brightened our day!